As many people know, FBS has participated in the Fine Arts competition this year! After collecting several first place winners from the in-house competitions, we headed to Virginia for the AACS Regionals, and many of our students are headed on to States! Some of these students include Christina Sansone with her Oral Interpretation of Poetry, John Zockoll with his landscape photography, McKenzie George singing a solo, Lexy Ness and myself with our poetry, and quite a few more, along with our choirs and handbells! Also, good job to the elementary students who placed! Though you can't travel on to States, you all did great! Good job Falcons, way to represent!
Unlike last time, where the student body took two trips to VA, one for the musical groups and the other for academic testing and solos, when we travel to States in Richmond, we'll be going only one day (though an early, long day) and we will have the choirs and individuals all together. This takes place Friday, March 22nd, and we'll be leaving extremely early in the morning. Thankfully, we'll be going in comfort on a charter bus, but i'm still not looking forward to waking up at 2 am and going on a 5 or more hour long trip with loud, excited elementary kids. But that's just me.
Whoever makes it in the top three at States also has the possibility of going to Nationals at BJU. If this happens (and with our amazing array of talented students, it very well may), i'll post a blog with information about that. Let's go Falcons, you're flying high!
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